March 20. Cursed is the man who trusts in people. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. Mike and his son Jerry discussed the prophet Jeremiah, after whom Jerry was named. He had started his ministry as a young man but as he had grown old and tired he became disillusioned as it seemed people weren’t listening to his preaching. His ministry was speaking out on behalf of God, judging right from wrong and recognizing human weakness. At times in his dialogue with God Jeremiah even said he just wanted to sit down and die. Mike concluded, “So, my son, be warned, it’s not easy in life to keep on standing up for what you believe as well as reading the signs of the times in our day. You might well end up being called a “mad prophet.”
Reflect, share and act. Scripture: Cursed is the man who trusts in people. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord. I, the Lord search the mind and try the heart, to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruits of his doings. Jer 17:5-10. Pope Francis: Doing what is right means more than judging what seems best or knowing clearly what needs to be done. We have to arrive at the point where the good that the intellect grasps can take root in us as a thirst for the good that outweighs other attractions. AL 265. JUBILEE In addition to finding hope in God’s grace, we discover hope in the signs of the times that the Lord gives us. The Second Vatican Council observed: “In every age, the Church has the responsibility of reading the signs of the times and interpreting them in the light of the Gospel. In this way, in language adapted to every generation, she can respond to people’s persistent questions about the meaning of this present life and of the life to come, and how one is related to the other”. 1. We need to recognize the immense goodness present in our world, lest we be tempted to think ourselves overwhelmed by evil and violence. 2. The signs of the times, which include the yearning of human hearts in need of God’s saving presence, ought to become signs of hope. SNC 7. Choose an act of love and sacrifice from the list, also published at
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