March 21. Human Rights Day. Favouritism, discrimination and envy. Human Rights Month and Day in South Africa commemorate the Sharpeville killings by police of innocent people protesting over serious social justice issues. In today’s bible account Joseph, the favourite son of his father, Jacob, was also an innocent victim. He was abused by his brothers as they were jealous when his father gave Joseph a multi-coloured coat. His brothers tried to get rid of him by throwing him in a pit but fortunately he was rescued. He was taken to Egypt, a foreign country, where he had to fend for himself and eventually became successful as Pharao’s right hand man. How do we treat the foreigners amongst us. do we respect their dignity and rights?
Reflect, share and act. Scripture: Genesis 37 tells the long story of Joseph and his brothers. Pope Francis: Envy is a form of sadness provoked by another’s prosperity; it shows that we are not concerned for the happiness of others but only with our own well-being. Love makes us rise above ourselves, envy closes us in on ourselves. Love inspires a sincere esteem for every human being and the recognition of his or her own right to happiness. AL95. JUBILEE. Signs of hope should be present for migrants who leave their homelands behind in search of a better life for themselves and for their families. Their expectations must not be frustrated by prejudice and rejection. A spirit of welcome, which embraces everyone with respect for his or her dignity, should be accompanied by a sense of responsibility, lest anyone be denied the right to a dignified existence. Exiles, displaced persons and refugees, whom international tensions force to emigrate in order to avoid war, violence and discrimination, ought to be guaranteed security and access to employment and education, the means they need to find their place in a new social context. SNC 13. Choose an act of love and sacrifice from the list, also published at
A PRAYER FOR SOUTH AFRICA TODAY. Lord, we praise and thank you for our country and our world. Thank you for the tasks you give us in our lives. Help us to embrace change with faith and courage, knowing that your plans for us are good. Guide our steps and align our hearts with your will, As PILGRIMS OF HOPE and SIGNS OF HOPE in our families help us to plant the seeds of the gospel, to care for and nurture them and so transform the Church, the world and all of creation. Amen
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