March 18. Practise and observe whatever they tell you, but not do what they do, for they preach but do not practice. Mike was the parish Justice and Peace contact and spoke to the confirmation class too. “As you begin to move to adulthood understand that we all have a right and a responsibility to judge for ourselves who and what is right and wrong. Who to trust, whether to smoke, vape take drugs or what action to take with regard to climate change and economic justice. Then we also have to stand up for what we believe. It’s no good complaining about the school, and the government and then still take no action against injustice or even give them our vote.”
Reflect, share and act. Scripture: Jesus said, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, so practise and observe whatever they tell you, but not do what they do, for they preach but do not practise.” Matt 23:1-2. Pope Francis: Freedom is something magnificent, yet it can also be dissipated and lost. Moral education has to do with cultivating freedom through ideas, incentives, practical applications, rewards, examples and more. AL 267. JUBILEE Signs of hope are also needed by the young. Sadly, they often see their dreams and aspirations frustrated. We must not disappoint them, for the future depends on their enthusiasm. It is gratifying to see the energy they demonstrate, by rolling up their sleeves and volunteering to help when disasters strike. Yet it is sad to see young people who are without hope, who face an uncertain and unpromising future, who lack employment or job security, or realistic prospects after finishing school. Without the hope that their dreams can come true, they will inevitably grow discouraged and listless. Escaping into drugs, risk-taking and the pursuit of momentary pleasure does greater harm to them in particular, since it closes them to life’s beauty and richness, and can lead to depression and self-destructive actions. For this reason, the Jubilee should inspire them for they are the joy and hope of the Church and the world. SNC 12. Choose an act of love and sacrifice from the list, also published at
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