February 16. Sunday. 6C. Looking around at the elderly Fr George said, “I just read an article about life in a simple, rural setting where materialism and consumerism had not yet reared their ugly head. Loving families were genuinely happier than in our modern urban society where there are always demands for more, more land, more jobs, more money.” Others responded, “We do forget, but is it possible?” “What have we done to ourselves that has taken away our sense of blessedness? Can we ever recover it?”
Reflect, share. Scripture Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that weep now for you shall laugh. Luke 6:20-26 Pope Francis. In a consumerist society the sense of beauty is impoverished and so joy fades. Everything is there to be purchased, possessed or consumed, including people. Tenderness is a sign of a love free of selfish possessiveness. AL 127. JUBILEE. The elderly, who frequently feel lonely and abandoned, also deserve signs of hope. Esteem for the treasure that they are, their life experiences, their accumulated wisdom and the contribution that they can still make, is incumbent on the Christian community and civil society, which are called to cooperate in strengthening the covenant between generations. SNC14. Prayer and action. Pray for the elderly in your family. Choose appropriate action towards the elderly.
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