16 January.  What did we learn about pandemics and how to prevent and deal with them. In the more recent ebola scare in a number of countries there was a lot of fear, linked with some of their cultural practices.  A body has to be washed before burial, but touching body fluids is the greatest risk of infection.  Mixed emotions surround disease and disabilities of all kinds and families can have great difficulty in coming to terms with acceptance in such cases. The nurses’ sodality made it their life’s work to address this issue with families. “Isn’t that one of the Corporal Works of Mercy?”  Beauty said.

Reflect, share.  Scripture:   A leper came to Jesus begging him and kneeling said to him, “If you will you can make me clean.”  Mark 1:40.  Pope Francis.  The works of mercy are “handcrafted.” our hands can craft them in a thousand ways. MM20. JUBILEE Inclusive attention should also be given to all those in particularly difficult situations, who experience their own weaknesses and limitations, especially those affected by illnesses or disabilities that severely restrict their personal independence and freedom. Care given to them is a hymn to human dignity, a song of hope that calls for the choral participation of society as a whole. Jub25.11.    Pray: for openness to the needs of those most vulnerable in the Church and the world.   Choose appropriate action.