20  January.  Alison said, “I’ve always liked the saying, A WEDDING IS A DAY, A MARRIAGE IS A LIFETIME.” Jerome added, “And for us the saying, “Jesus is the third partner in a happy marriage” has been very special and important too. There were some times that I was inclined to forget that and rely on my own abilities and feelings to deal with our differences.  We were lucky that we had some good mentors and role models and also a very supportive priest. 

 Reflect, share.  Scripture: Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them?   The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from and then they will fast.  Mark 2:18-22.  

Pope Francis. The journey of life that leads a man and a woman to meet, to love and to promise mutual fidelity before God is often interrupted by suffering, betrayal and loneliness. MM14  JUBILEE Faith, hope and charity are the theological virtues that are foundation of the Christian life. We need to “abound in hope” (cf. Rom 15:13), so that we may bear credible and attractive witness to the faith and love that dwell in our hearts; that our faith may be joyful and our charity enthusiastic; and that each of us may be able to offer a smile, a small gesture of friendship, a kind look, a ready ear, a good deed, in the knowledge that, in the Spirit of Jesus, these can become, for those who receive them, rich seeds of hope.   Jub25.  18.      Pray: for lasting commitment in marriages and families for the good of the Church and the world.   Choose appropriate action.