For a full overview of March and Lent go to

MARCH overview. Human Rights and Family Rights. Lent.  In this Jubilee year of hope the right to life should be recognized. It is contained in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the Catholic Charter of Family Rights and many other constitutions. Human life, as individuals, and as family units, is precious from the first moment of existence until natural death. Rights extend to safety and protection from harm for all.  In addition to human rights concern for biodiversity, animal and plant life is growing,  we are aware that “Extinction means forever”. A “culture of life” approach uses perspectives of justice, love, hope, positive relationships and the common good for all of creation. Such an eco-friendly family focus is built into the reflections for families as Pilgrims of Hope creating and supporting Signs of Hope.   

Pope Francis:  Hope does not disappoint, founded on faith and nurtured by charity, it enables us to press forward in life.  Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring.  Hope is born of love and based on the love springing from the pierced heart of Jesus upon the cross: SNC 2-3.   Families and homes go together. We insist on the rights of the family and not only of individuals. Families have the right to count on an adequate family policy from public authorities. LS 44. The rights to free enterprise and market freedom cannot supersede the rights of peoples, dignity of the poor  & respect for the natural environment, for to make something our own, it is only to administer it for the good of all.  FT 122 

Setting the scene. For the March focus on family rights and Lent with the special Jubilee focus of Families as Pilgrims of Hope and Signs of Hope families are invited to begin a processof stock-taking, conversion and revisiting their relationships. The 3 Catholic practiices of Lent are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Prayer – personal or communal makes room for God in our lives. Fasting can mean denying ourselves, possibly something we particularly like, to share with others in need, or just as self-denial. Almsgiving is sharing with others some of our gifts, time, talents, money or other possession. Some resources can be downloaded from

  1. Thoughts of the Day with the monthly focus on rights and the Jubilee theme of hope.  
  2. Acts of Love and Sacrifice from list of 40 suggestions to choose as individuals or together.  
  3. Hold a Family Prayer Meal and a Family Reconciliation Service.    Text available.   
  4. Use Family Year Planner as reference.
  5. Use images and symbols and create a Lenten family prayer shrine. Sacred Heart,  Luce – the Jubilee mascot as a symbol for Pilgrims of Hope, a Bible, crucifix, palm leaves etc.  
  6. Study and act on Laudato si’ Action Platform goals for eco-family friendly ideas.

March 1.  

Let the children come to me for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” After a discussion on divorce members of a parish family sharing group went home feeling quite challenged. Quite a few had experience of divorce in their families. Jack asked himself, “could we have done more to work on our marriage for the sake of our children? We both knew that the bitterness and fighting didn’t do them any good before we separated.. Little Andrew used to hide away, but now that we are divorced is it really better for them? I think there should be more programmes to help families like us dealing with the effects of divorce, mediation about mutual acceptance arrangements and the rights of the children.”  Moyra’s response was different. “I’m thinking about being more eco-friendly, so I’m going to look after any young creatures abandoned by their families. Lots of them are just left to die.”

Reflect, share and act.  Scripture: “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” MK 10:13-16. Pope Francis:   Do we feel the immense psychological burden borne by children in families where the members mistreat and hurt one another, to the point of breaking the bonds of marital fidelity?  AL246.  Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us living creatures are dependent on one another. LS42.   JUBILEE. “God has in some way sought to limit himself in such a way that many of the things we think of as evils, dangers or sources of suffering, are in reality part of the pains of childbirth which he uses to draw us into the act of cooperation with the Creator”. This can allow the power and the love of God to expand in our lives and in the world, whereas our refusal or indifference can prevent it. The Lord cries out, “If only you would return to me, O Israel!” (cf. Jer 4:1).   DN 190.  Prayer and action. Pray for children that suffer violence or abandonment. Choose appropriate action for children and the young.