January 31. St John Bosco. William was a great fan of St John Bosco. He told his kids, “There are many saints who were priests and religious but there are also some saints that are recognised more as family people or concerned about family issues and children, youth, or women or married couples. I wonder if these people have a special gift from God for their particular ministry. Don Bosco was a saintly man responding to a calling of concern for youth, especially poor and street kids. He founded congregations of priests, brothers and sisters; the Salesians and Daughters of Mary to care for boys and girls and throughout the world there are many homes, schools and projects for youth. In a way he was adding to and creating a new, substitute, community family for them. Let’s not forget the Salesian Green Alliance which also focuses on the wider view of care for creation. Photo taken at Bosco Pastoral Centre, Walkerville.
Reflect, share. Scripture: Whatever things are true, honourable, chaste, praiseworthy, think about these things. These you have learned and made your own and have heard and seen in me. Phil 4:4-9. Pope Francis: From the Document on Human Fraternity and World Peace. “I reiterate the appeal for peace, justice and fraternity, in the name of the poor, the destitute, the marginalised and those most in need, whom God has commanded us to help as a duty required of all persons, especially the wealthy and those of means.” FT285. JUBILEE “May we be strongly encouraged to seize the hope set before us. We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope where Jesus, a forerunner on our behalf, has entered” (Heb 6:18- 20). Those words are a forceful encouragement for us never to lose the hope, to hold fast to that hope and to find in God our refuge and our strength. The image of the anchor is eloquent; it helps us to recognize the stability and security that is ours amid the troubled waters of this life, provided we entrust ourselves to the Lord Jesus. The storms that buffet us will never prevail, for we are firmly anchored in the hope born of grace, which enables us to live in Christ and to overcome sin, fear and death. SNC 25. Pray: for the youth especially those who are homeless or unhappy and thank God for those who care for them and their needs. Choose appropriate action.
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