July 9.  Pauline shared, “When we were young sex and sexuality were not talked about.  Some even considered it sinful.  I remember feeling excited when gradually we came to hear that sex is good.  Marriage Encounter and later Theology of the Body helped us to deepen that understanding.” Others added, “There is too much promiscuity these days and purity and chastity have gone out the window. Our children – men and women – have relationships with other partners.” But so do some older people.” Kids are into sex much too early and in schools these days the whole issue of  LGBTQI+ is seen  as normal.” “There is too much focus on individuals living for themselves alone”  “And yet there is a deeper honesty about sexuality as well.” “Who know the best way?”  

Reflect, share, scripture: How long will it be till they are pure in Israel?  From Hosea 8:4-13.   Pope Francis In no way can we consider the erotic dimension of love simply as a permissible evil or burden to be tolerated for the good of the family.  Rather it must be seen as a gift from God that enriches the relationship of the spouses.  AL152. Nowadays many women and men seek personal fulfilment in a life as independent as possible and detached from other people. The family, which is the first and most radical argument against the notion that we can save ourselves by ourselves, has been one of the victims of this individualistic culture.  Message to the Elderly 2024. ACTION AND PRAYER.   Is sexuality still respected in our day?