January  13.   Many of the parish prayer groups had taken up watching the very popular religious TV series THE CHOSEN.  It is watched by millions of Christians, and while historical its attraction largely is that it depicts Jesus and his followers in very real relatable terms.  Jesus chose his disciples from among ordinary people like fishermen, a tax collector and simple men and women too.  Our baptism also makes us his chosen people. Infant baptism is not a personal choice but a time comes when personal responsibility is required for living one’s Christian life in hope and grace.      Reflect, share. Scripture: Passing by the Sea of Galilee Jesus saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net in the sea because they were fishermen.. And he said to them, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”  Mark 1:14-20.   Pope Francis:  JUBILEE In addition to finding hope in God’s grace, we are also called to discover hope in the signs of the times that the Lord gives us. As the Second Vatican Council observed: “In every age, the Church has the responsibility of reading the signs of the times and interpreting them in the light of the Gospel. In this way, in language adapted to every generation, she can respond to people’s persistent questions about the meaning of this present life and of the life to come, and how one is related to the other”. We need to recognize the immense goodness present in our world, lest we be tempted to think ourselves overwhelmed by evil and violence. The signs of the times, which include the yearning of human hearts in need of God’s saving presence, ought to become signs of hope.   Jub25 7. Pray: for openness to one’s calling and the needs of the Church and the world.   Choose appropriate action.