Grandparents often pray for their grandchildren and the various situations in which they find themselves. This prayer can be prayed alone or even in a small group where they can share with trusted friends.
PRAYING FOR GRANDCHILDREN. Call to mind each of the grandchildren by name.

GRANDCHILDREN’S PRAYER. praying for grandparents.
Lord, today we bring to you in prayer our grandparents. They may be here with us now, or may already have died and are now at peace. As parents, they gave life and cared for our own parents. We thank you for them and for that gift. We thank you too for the memories they created and that they have shared with us. They were born into a world different to ours. As times have changed they may have struggled to keep up and sometimes lost touch. Forgive us for the times we have been impatient with them. Help us to be generous with our love and care for them in their old age. Bless with eternal rest those grandparents who have died. Bless all grandparents with peace and contentment and an acceptance that their lives were well spent in your service. We ask St Joachim and St Anne, the grandparents of Jesus, to pray with us as we offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.