April 30. Jock shared, “During this time of COVID-19 the whole world is focused on life and death. We’re all concerned about getting infected, getting better if we are, and should we or should we not get vaccinated. At this time well around 3 million people have died from it. Were they prepared, were they and their families ready to accept the reality? Jesus’ words are a comfort, assuring his disciples of his and his Father’ love and care. I thought I was ready to accept the death of my beloved wife, but it was a dreadful shock and we all went through weeks of deep grieving, on our own and gradually learned to share our feelings and thoughts with one another, as I know the Holy Spirit came to comfort us. As I pick up the pieces of my life, I find a new joy, a growing interest in creation and environmental matters.“ (Check out the MARFAM booklet STATIONS OF THE CROSS FOR THE BEREAVED)
Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. in my Father’s house are many rooms. I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and will take you to myself that where I am you may be also.” Pope Francis: The Father is the ultimate source of everything, the loving and self-communicating foundation of all that exists. The Son, his reflection, through whom all things were created, united himself to this earth when he was formed in the womb of Mary. The Spirit, infinite bond of love, is intimately present at the very heart of the universe, inspiring and bringing new pathways. When we contemplate with wonder the universe in all its grandeur and beauty we must praise the whole Trinity. The divine persons are subsistent relations, and the world, created according to the divine model, is a web of relationships. Creatures tend towards God, and in turn it is proper to every living being to tend towards other things, so that throughout the universe we can find any number of constant and secretly interwoven relationships. LS238-40 Reflect, share, pray, that each member of the Trinity will enrich our lives with the love that unites them.
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