In the light of the ongoing conflict in Palestine the passage from Pope Francis Fratelli Tutti part of which was preached in Jordan in 2014 is most relevant. Would Bishop Tutu say the same?

16 December. Day of Reconciliation. This is a special South African day, a public holiday, celebrated by all of our people to remind us of the divisions of the past; racial, religious, cultural, even economic and political. These divisions were also experienced in our families and between different groups of families. Beginning with our own we can reflect on the divisions and conflicts, on the hurt and harm they caused and our need for reconciliation and peace. Then reach out to others too. Forgiveness is a decision to be merciful, not to forget but to choose to let go.
Scripture: O God, bring us back, let your face shine on us, and we shall be saved. May your hand be on the man at your right hand as your own, and we shall never forsake you again; give us life that we may call upon your name. Ps 80. Pope Francis: Forgiving does not mean forgetting. In the face of an action that can never be tolerated, justified or excused we can still forgive. Free and heartfelt forgiveness is some noble act, a reflection of God’s own infinite ability to forgive. If forgiveness is gratuitous it can be shown even to someone who resists repentance and is unable to beg pardon. FT 250-254. Reflect, share, and pray, for an increase in willingness to forgive and accept forgiveness.
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