January 5. Sunday C. Epiphany. Fr Michael, as a Missionary of Africa had worked in many places and had got to know leaders as well as the poor and needy. On the feast of the Epiphany he shared with the congregation, “I have often wondered what those rich Wise Men, who were foreigners and believers in other faiths, thought when they came with their gifts to the humble little stable to find Jesus the new-born King. I know the gold, incense and myrrh were symbolic but even today do we just give symbolic words or also practical help to the poor and needy? That is the promise of a merciful and loving God to everyone.”

Scripture: All nations shall fall prostrate before you, o Lord. He shall save the needy when they cry, the poor and those who are helpless. Psalm72. The mystery has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; that is how the gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel. Eph 3:5-6. Pope Francis: The enduring relevance of devotion to the heart of Christ is especially evident in the work of evangelization and education carried out by the numerous male and female religious congregations whose origins were marked by this profoundly Christological devotion. Saint Daniel Comboni discovered in the mystery of the heart of Jesus the source of strength for his missionary commitment. ”Caught up as we are in the desires of the heart of Jesus, we want people to grow in dignity, as human beings and as children of God. Our starting point is the Gospel, with all that it demands from us of love, forgiveness and justice, and of solidarity with those who are poor and rejected by the world”. Dilexit Nos 148, 154. Choose appropriate action e.g. blessing of a home, .
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