March 2. Georgina was happy that she was allowed to read the whole parable in their group. After she had finished her mom commented, “Is it about the prodigal son or the forgiving father? That is one of the questions and lessons. Another lesson is on the subject of rights. There was the wasteful son who demanded his inheritance, or the forgiving father patiently waiting to welcome his son back. The older brother also had rights to be respected but what about the mother? There is no mention in this parable or many others about the role of women or in fact of the family as a unit made up of different people, each having individual and also family rights. It does bother me sometimes that so many bible stories are told from the perspective of men, or must we just take for granted that “man” stands for family?”
Reflect, share. Scripture: Read the parable in Luke 15:1-32. “Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” Pope Francis: It is important to insist on the rights of the family and not only those of individuals. The family is a good which society cannot do without and it ought to be protected.. AL44. LSAP Goal 5. Ecological education. Pray a Lenten prayer: that children and parents in families will respect each others’ rights and responsibilities with love and mercy. Choose an appropriate action.
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