July 15. Joseph Jackson was the conscience of the luncheon group.   Admittedly he was a bit younger than some who found it easier to do the praying but they realised that at times there was more they could do especially in the area of climate change and ecology which many of them had started to take very seriously.  He led them into setting up a letter-writing campaign, writing to newspapers, radio programmes even to the government whenever they came across something unjust.  Laurel had her computer so she would type while the others gave their verbal input.  Joseph was happy that they were become more “socially and environmentally conscious even for themselves.  

Reflect, share, scripture: Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widows.  Is 1: 15-17.   Pope Francis:   we cannot overlook the social degeneration brought about by sin, as when human beings tyrannise nature, selfishly and even brutally ravaging it. This leads to desertification.  AL26.   The loneliness and abandonment of the elderly is not by chance or inevitable, but the fruit of decisions – political, economic, social and personal decisions – that fail to acknowledge the infinite dignity of each person,  This happens once we lose sight of the value of each individual and people are then judged in terms of their cost, which is in some cases considered too high to pay. Even worse, often the elderly themselves fall victim to this mindset; they are made to consider themselves a burden and to feel that they should be the first to step aside. ACTION AND PRAYER.    Are you able to live life and still give life?