October 8. Discipleship. It’s interesting that we still most often hear of the husband being the head of the wife, although greater equality is growing.  In Luke’s story of the family of Mary and Martha there appears to be no husband or children. As woman friends of Jesus, Mary and Martha gave him a welcome in different ways: listening to and serving him.  Home life in Jesus’ day was well ordered: Martha probably was head of the household, a manager providing well. Mary welcomed Jesus as a disciple and follower. We welcome our guests too – as best we can, by giving food as well as by listening.  

Reflect, share, act. Scripture. At that time Jesus entered a village, and a woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.  Luke 10:38-42   Pope Francis:  it is not enough to show generic concern for the family in pastoral planning. Enabling families to take up their role as active agents of the family apostolate calls for an effort at evangelisation and catechesis inside the family. AL 200.   In the family we first learn how to show love and respect for life; we are taught the proper of things, order and cleanliness, respect for the local ecosystem and care for all creatures.   We receive an integral education which enables us to grow harmoniously in personal maturity.  LS 213   Prayer and Action. Reflect on family roles and tasks and pray for a healthy balance in your way of living.  Pray: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love, so that walking together we may renew the face of the earth.