WWJD? Remember that popular acronym? What would Jesus do? The feast of Christ the King has always been a great favourite of mine, especially as a choir member, I suppose, as we could sing really rousing music, and at one stage we even attempted the dramatic anthem ECCE SACERDOS MAGNUS – Here comes the great High Priest. Many of our generation probably saw Jesus as “The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed,” as in the psalm for the feast in year B. But the gospel has Jesus standing before Pilate, stating “My kingdom is not of this world. I came to bear witness to the truth, everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.” So in addition to the celebration at the end of the liturgical year there is also a call to conversion, to hear that truth, that does come in many guises, e.g. COP 29 – just ended with limited success and political leaders here and elsewhere, who often deny the truth.
However my focus is now, from 25 November to 10 December, also on the 16 Days of Activism. Is it against abuse of women – as in the UN version, or women and children, boys and girls, which the South African version includes, or even more marginalized groups of people who may be ignored or rejected e.g those with disabilities and LGBTQ persons?

The Bible in general does not have a good sense of gender equality, but Jesus did have an unusual regard for women in his day and certainly did show his love for children. Mary Magdalene was one of his closest friends. He had a group of woman companions, even though the gospels rather downplay that aspect. He interacted with the woman at the well (John 4 ) the woman accused of adultery, (John 8) recognizing and defending their rights while still acknowledging the sinfulness in these situations, that includes woman and man.
Is there some relevance for us, believers, both this Advent and in the 16 Days commemoration which highlights so much of what is life-destroying versus life-giving? Sexuality is a gift to all of creation and there is a great need for life-giving balance in relationships, to avoid exploitation, abuse and even femicide. Perpetrators in gender- based violence are mostly male, even young boys who are socialized into the attitude of male dominance. Most often the 16 days focuses on male guilt. From a family perspective do women and girls not also have to take some responsibility for their behaviour in their relationships and the intimate partner violence that plagues our society? A recent TV report stated that women’s abuse of alcohol is on the rise. What could that indicate? Can we and do we not face the truth as honestly as we should?

FAITH ACTION AGAINST GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE. This movement challenges faith communities to be actively involved to combat gbv and support survivors. There is #NoExcuse not to get involved, raise awareness and end the “nightmare.” An awareness campaign the “Red Chair Campaign” is a poignant initiative aimed at memorialising the countless women who have lost their lives to gender-based violence. Participation in the Red Chair Campaign is simple yet impactful. Faith Action invites institutions to participate and beyond mere awareness the Campaign encourages participants to customise the initiative and adapt it to local contexts.

This campaign is more than a symbol; it is a call to action and a plea to the faith sector to “ensure that no more women die in this way,” emphasised Daniela Gennrich, Coordinator of WWSOSA “Faith communities have a unique responsibility and power to challenge the harmful norms that have allowed violence to persist,” said Gennrich. “This strategy is more than words; it’s a collective commitment to actively build safe and inclusive spaces where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. It’s time for faith to lead the way in ending gender-based violence.”
In any event, she added: “True faith is not only about words but actions.” “We’re challenging harmful cultural and religious norms that perpetuate violence and advocating for faith spaces as sanctuaries of safety, care, and healing. The Red Chair Campaign is a way for faith communities to visibly demonstrate their commitment to gender justice actively,” she insisted.

The preface of the Mass for Christ the King describes the Kingdom of Jesus as one of “love, justice, truth, peace and freedom.” MARFAM’S FAMILY IN CREATION, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE uses the scripture of the day and quotations from Pope Francis on aspects of life, love and a series of reflections for all ages around a story, A CHILDREN’S PEACE PILGRIMAGE. Figures reported reveal that in our war-torn world, women and children do suffer most, but nevertheless everyone is responsible. Our Advent conversion is to stand up for the truth, the truth for which Jesus lived and died, so as to build his Father’s kingdom and ours. TR 27 November 2024

November 27. We live in very troubled times in different parts of the world. Many people in war zones lose everything and are killed. It might be because they are on a different side in the war, or for their beliefs, especially where some are Muslims, some Christians, while some fight amongst themselves as tribes or clans. However, this has been happening again and again for many centuries and we know there are millions of martyrs who did not or were not able to resist when being challenged to abandon their faith. We have to believe in a special way in life after death for the sake of all who were martyred.
Reflect, share, act. Scripture: You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends and some of you they will put to death, for my name’s sake, but not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives. Luke 21: 12-19. Pope Francis: Interreligious dialogue is a necessary condition for peace in the world and so it is a duty for Christians as well as other religions. This dialogue is in the first place a conversation about human existence or being open to people, sharing their joys and sorrows. We learn to accept others and their different ways of living, thinking and speaking. EG 250. Eco-tip and prayer: Creator God in this month of commemoration of loss and death comfort us in our pain and strengthen us in our understanding that you never abandon us and care for each of your creatures day by day.
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