There are many parishes dedicated to Christ the King, but at St Damian’s Fr Teddy had put a crown on the figure on the cross for all to see.
He spoke of kings and queens, princes and princesses who hold a rather confusing place in society today.
“We admire them for their status but many of us don’t really want them to rule over us. We prefer democratically elected leaders. Even Jesus hardly presented an admirable kingly figure as he stood before Pilate, but yet he embodied the true qualities of giving his life for his people. At his 2nd coming he will be the universal king of all who are on the side of truth and listen to his voice. ‘Will you be among his subjects? Will you be sheep or goats?’
When the son of man comes before him will be gathered all the nations and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates sheep from the goats.
Read Matthew 25:31-46.
“The kingship of Christ is most evident on Golgotha. Jesus’ complete abandonment to the Father, nailed to the cross, poor, naked and stripped of everything, incarnates and reveals the fullness of God’s love and the power of the love that awakens him to new life and Resurrection“
– Pope Francis
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