March 17.  To us Oh Lord, belongs confusion of face because we have sinned against you. Moses spoke as a parent. “Is living with justice and mercy a right, a responsibility, or even a duty born of love, something we learn from the example of God?  We parents struggle with discipline and finding suitable punishments these days for kids of all ages. Self-discipline is important and enforcing discipline, teaching moral values and right behaviour is both a right and a responsibility that at times I don’t think we parents are well enough equipped for.  Maybe we should run that parenting course after Easter.” The O’Grady family shared with others, ” Don’t forget it is St Patrick’s Day too so say a prayer for his intercession and thank God for the Irish influences in our local church.” Reflect, share and act. Scripture: To us Oh Lord, belongs confusion of face because we have sinned against you.  To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, because we have rebelled against him.  Dan 9:4-10. Pope Francis: It is essential to help children realise misbehaviour has consequences.  It is important that discipline not lead to discouragement but to be instead a stimulus to further progress. AL 268-270   Pope Francis: JUBILEE. The men and women of our time often find themselves confused and torn apart, almost bereft of an inner principle that can create unity and harmony in their lives and actions. Models of behaviour that, sadly, are now widespread exaggerate our rational-technological dimension or, on the contrary, that of our instincts. No room is left for the heart.  DN 9.   In the words of Benedict XVI: “At the moment of judgement we experience and we absorb the overwhelming power of his love over all the evil in the world and in ourselves. The pain of love becomes our salvation and our joy” SNC 22. Choose an act of love and sacrifice from the list, also published at