February 7. One night as the family were discussing commitment Jocelyn commented about faithfulness and adultery. “Many people don’t seem to care, but others are prepared to stand up for what is right.  Some believe it is not their business what other people do.  Doesn’t that give a bad example to the youth and cheapen what true love and commitment are really meant to be?” “There could be a fine line drawn there,” her brother said. “I don’t believe in speaking up about others.” Mom added,  “When I think about responsible parenthood I also think of animals, even birds, as I have been fascinated how often I have seen them operating together as couples. That is an example one could share.”

Reflect, share. Scripture: Herod had seized John and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Phillip’s wife because he had married her. John said to Herod,  “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.”  Mark 6:14-29.   Pope Francis.  Marriage is a friendship marked by passion but a passion directed to an ever more stable and intense union that is all-encompassing, exclusive, faithful and open to new life. Such a love, bringing together the human and the divine, leads the partners to a free and mutual self-giving experienced in tenderness and action, permeating their entire lives.   AL 125. JUBILEE.  Openness to life and responsible parenthood is the design that the Creator has implanted in the hearts and bodies of men and women, a mission that the Lord has entrusted to spouses and to their love. The desire of young people to give birth to new sons and daughters as a sign of the fruitfulness of their love ensures a future for every society. This is a matter of hope: it is a sign of hope, born of hope and it generates hope.  SNC 9.   Prayer and action :  Pray for faithfulness and commitment for all marriages, especially the young.  Choose appropriate action.