22 January.   Mom shared, “What I like about Mark’s gospel is that he portrays Jesus in very human ways.  Jesus was angry and at the same time sad. That’s how parents feel a lot of the time with teenagers, and maybe the other way round too.  I propose that for our family as well as finding time to pray together we need to share our feelings and learn to listen to one another without judging.  That way we can actually learn to experience family unity and joy.  Who agrees to that?”    

 Reflect, share.  Scripture: He looked at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart and said to the man. “Stretch out your hand and his hand was restored. Mk 3:1-6   Pope Francis. Joy at the gift of children is accompanied by concern about their growth and education and their prospects for happiness and fulfilment in life. MM 14. JUBILEE What is the happiness that we await and desire? Not some fleeting pleasure, a momentary satisfaction that, once experienced, keeps us longing for more, in a desperate quest that leaves our hearts unsated and increasingly empty. We aspire to a happiness that is definitively found in the one thing that can bring us fulfilment, which is love. Thus, we will be able to say even now: I am loved, therefore I exist; and I will live forever in the love that does not disappoint. Jub25. 21.   Pray: for family love and commitment to Jesus and our faith. Choose appropriate action.