August 26.  Evaluation. As the month was coming to an end the teams started some evaluation.  “How much have your learned from our discussions, sharing and listening to each other?”   “With women’s lib and the striving for gender equality clearly there needs to be ongoing discussion but then is sexual harassment addressed often enough?  Is it still as serious in the workplace? And what about in families and homes?”  “Should we continue with further sessions or discussions on Families and Sexuality?” Most of the groups agreed it had been valuable, and opened doors for them.  

Reflect, share, act. Scripture:  Boaz said to Ruth,” Have I not charged the young men not to molest you?  All that you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband has been fully told me.  So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife.” Book of Ruth   Pope Francis. There is a need for training lay leaders who can assist in the pastoral care of families, with teachers, counsellors, physicians, social workers and specialists in psychology, sociology, marital and family therapy. Professionals can help keep pastoral initiatives grounded in the real situations and concrete concerns of families.   AL 204