February 25. As parents and children pray for Pope Francis who has a special love for children and youth. “Do you think a truly loving family is one where there is no conflict?” the school psychologist asked the parents. “No, definitely not. It is one where the adults know how to manage conflict and have a way of passing that skill on to their children, teenagers but younger kids too. It’s not easy and one has to start young. Parents can be too strict or too lenient. Neither way is God’s way. I think it would be a valuable experience to run a parent-teenager course. Do you agree?”
Reflect, share. Scripture Reflect, share. Scripture: Jesus said, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:30-3. Pope Francis. JUBILEE. Signs of hope are needed by those who are the very embodiment of hope, namely, the young. Sadly, they often see their dreams and aspirations frustrated. We must not disappoint them, for the future depends on their enthusiasm. It is gratifying to see the energy they demonstrate, by rolling up their sleeves and volunteering to help. Yet it is sad to see those without hope, who face an uncertain and unpromising future, who lack employment or job security, or realistic prospects. after finishing school. Without the hope that their dreams can come true, they will inevitably grow discouraged and listless. Escaping into drugs, risk-taking and the pursuit of momentary pleasure does greater harm to them in particular, since it closes them to life’s beauty and richness, and can lead to depression and even self-destructive actions. SNC12. Prayer and action. Pray for parents and youth with their needs and hope for their future. Choose appropriate action to help youth on their way.
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